Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yee haw/hee haw!

The preliminary land use change hearing was tonight. The neighbors won the first round by a unanimous decision. Congrats go out to the group for putting forth both a relevant and cohesive argument against the proposed changes from relative peace and quiet, and actual farming practices to sporadic yet daily gunfire just so a guy can make a buck while others shoot hand-raised birds.

Oh, how I would love to go into details, yet I am fully cognizant that the world is google-able and I’d rather not SEO until after the final hearing. Yet, let me say that if it weren’t for DW’s outstanding organizational skills, I doubt the group would have been as well-prepared nor the word spread to such a degree that the hearing room was packed, and all three local newspapers carried the story.

Oh, and I must tell you ('tell' being the operative word), my poker friends, I knew the votes of four out of seven commissioners long before their hands went in the air.

OK, here’s a little sample for you: Who runs a test for how close someone must be to startle horses with the retort from a 12-gauge on the neighbor’s horses without asking said neighbors, admit to doing so in the hearing as part of their evidence, and then when questioned about it, defend the action by pointing out that the gun discharge took place on the applicant’s property, and the horses were across the road?


Crash said...

That's great news. That thing was wrong on so many levels.

Memphis MOJO said...

Glad to see that the system works.

bastinptc said...

Not over yet. One more group of higher up commissioners to go through. Of course, Fish and Wildlife have yet to weigh in as well.