Tuesday, June 30, 2009


slyerthanu2 said, "worthles f88k"
mondo nutz said, "well that was lucky"
mondo nutz said, "i swear i lose more against bad players"
Miti 0804 said, "u lose bec.. u r a bad player"
bastinptc said, "guess he told you, lol"
mondo nutz said, "lol"
mondo nutz said, "i should say i don't win as much"
bastinptc said, "that's the spirit"
mondo nutz said, "on the .25 table"
mondo nutz said, "s i've almost doubled in 2 of them"
mondo nutz said, "made 5 in the other"
bastinptc said, "but it's past bedtime"
mondo nutz said, "should i have bet that miti....would that make me a better player...loll"
bastinptc said, "thought about bluffing the flush :)"
mondo nutz said, "a lot of people to bluff against"
bastinptc said, "a lot of people who insta call too"
mondo nutz said, "i suk...i know"
mondo nutz said, "just lucky"
mondo nutz said, "should i have played it slower...lol"
bastinptc said, "not much I could do about that one, NH Timbaz"
Timbaz said, "th, na you had to call"
Timbaz said, "ty"
mondo nutz said, "had to call on the turn?"
mondo nutz said, "i should replay"
mondo nutz said, "lmao....your a bad player bastic...u waited to bet until u where behind"
mondo nutz said, "then u went for it against 2"
mondo nutz said, "pretty atrocious...lol"
Timbaz said, "i think bast played it fine, but im no good at plo :)"
bastinptc said, "I'll run it by the 2+2 forum"
bastinptc said, "and don't speak so harshly again other Oregonians, Mondo :)"
bastinptc said, "that better?"
bastinptc said, "see, that's why I don't"
mondo nutz said, "lol...so u wait till the turn to lose it all?"
mondo nutz said, "i had an insanely good hand...but couldn't play it cause 2 many in"
bastinptc said, "well, it’ll be like pissin in the wind now, and I'm exhausted, gn"

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