Thursday, October 8, 2009

A favor to ask

I don't know if I have mentioned this before: I am going to be a grandfather in a couple months. Yesterday we received the below from my Dear Daughter-in-law (DDIL) and it got me to thinking. We could use the extra vibes. Yes, we could. So, if you please would.

"On behalf of Christian and Pennie, you are invited to a Home Birth Blessing for Baby Collier. Please join us for a morning meditation and blessing in the Home of Christian and Pennie. A small gathering to create positive energy for baby Collier's journey onto this earth. Please bring your intention and an open heart. If you will not be able to join us physically....we invite you to join us from afar for our meditation at 10:30am Chicago time. On Saturday the 17th. "

A kind thought will suffice.



Crash said...

It's on my calendar.

Memphis MOJO said...

Absolutely, and a fine name for the baby.

TenMile said...

Now that pretty well takes it beyond the thinking stage, doesn't it.

We'll do that.

Anonymous said...


Well wishes to the new blood.

Were you to teach him three things, and nothing else, which three things would those be?

I honestly don't know which three things I would teach.

There's the three R's. But school takes care of that. There's honesty, diligence and perseverance. But how the hell do you teach that?

It would have to be important, I suppose, but something I can teach. Which rules out diligence, perseverance and what was that third one? Let's me scroll up. Ah, yes, honesty. Plum forgot honesty.

And you would say, "Well aki, maybe you could teach the child irony." Yeah, good luck with that. All the kids I ever dealt with came out speaking plain as a plank. Irony is either innate or cultural.

Which leaves us with the question.

Oh, well. Kids are smarter than grownups, anyway.

Best wishes,

Crash said...

Akileos-Your comments have kept me thinking for quite a while. Being short on parent contact, I was closer to my grandparents than most. I would rather pick their brains today more than I would my parents. Anyway, your question cannot be answered. It all depends on how the kid develops as to what he/she needs to learn. The trick for the grandparent is to get their attention away from their daily kid stuff to what you want to pass along. Wish I had listened more.

bastin, I don't know how much contact you will be able to have with your grandchild, but it is a big, big deal.

Crash said...

bastin-maybe start a new, private blog, putting down your thoughts through the years for a distant grandchild. You like to expound. Someone could delay the feed to the grandchild for decades, chunk by chunk, age by age. This goes against what I said to Akileos, but is better than just expiring without saying it. You have Skype, too, for memories.

bastinptc said...

It's a boy and they've chosen a name, which is not "Baby."

I'm going to take it easy on expectations. I have fond memories of my grandparents, and that will be my guide.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts.

Dave G said...

Congratulations, Grandkids are alot of fun, I have 3, the oldest is 29 months old.

I hope all goes well and that you get to see him frequently.

Dad/Geoff said...


I immediately thought of this:

"The only rational way of education is to be an example - if one can't
help it, a warning example."

Albert Einstein
Ideas and Opinions

Geoff / OB

Dad/Geoff said...

...and after I posted it, I realized you could take that as an insult. I, of course, meant that you will provide a good example and will point out the bad examples.



bastinptc said...

Geoff - the quote can stand on its own. One would hope the child has a discerning nature.